In the vocational area Cura della persona, estetica, sport e benessere, Personal care, beauty, sports and wellness, you can obtain:
L’Operatore del Benessere con indirizzo Acconciatura opera in saloni rivolti a clientela maschile e femminile e si occupa della cura estetica dei capelli e del cuoio capelluto. Esegue principalmente shampoo, trattamenti coloranti e decoloranti, messe in piega e acconciature raccolte, tagli e permanenti. Ha cura delle attrezzature con cui opera e ne assicura igiene ed efficienza. Svolge attività amministrativa e contabile per l’emissione della documentazione fiscale prevista per legge e controlla la quantità dei prodotti a magazzino determinandone il fabbisogno.
Qualified Wellness Operators – Hairdressing Treatments work in unisex hairdressing and beauty salons, providing beauty treatments for the hair and the scalp. They take care of shampoos, hair dying, hair styling, hairdos, haircuts and perming hair. They are also capable of caring for the tools of the salon, ensuring they are hygienic and operational. They are able to perform administrative and bookkeeping activities, including emission of legal fiscal documents and stock management.
In order to ENROLL in the course, please show up with ID card and National Insurance Number of the signatory of the application (parent or guardian of the student) and of the student. If applicable, present any special needs/disability certificate and the ISEE declaration for income support.
This course is promoted by Programma Operativo Regionale, Regional Operational Programme, and co-financed by European Social Fund. For more information, please visit